Welcome To Legal Live Transfers

Start Receiving Hot Automobile Accident Live Transfers Today!

We make all the calls... So you don't have to.

We calculate all economic indicators and understand feasibility of advertising campaign

We Live Transfer Pre-Qualified Live Transfers Directly To Your Firm!

All Transfers are not at fault, physically injured, not working with an attorney, within the statute of limitations, with proof of injury/treatment.

How Our System Works

Our Team

Our company currently has over 35 team members. Here are just a few individuals you might meet throughout your experience with us.

Peter White

Manager, Logistics

Anna Green

Owner & CEO, Economic

Alex Wood

Scientist, Ecology

Eva Hill

Specialist, Economic

We Believe In Accountability...

Our company was founded on the belief that an agency must be accountable to the results they product. That is why we charge a flat rate per live transfer. We feel that lead generation & retainers are a flawed business model because they do not hold the companies producing the leads accountable to results.

We not only charge a flat rate per live transfer (meaning no hidden ad spend or setup fees), but we also replace any transfers in the event something slips through the cracks. For example, let's say the prospect tells us the accident was not their fault, and after some digging you find out the police report says it was. Out team will replace the transfer with no questions ask.

Schedule A Call Today

(262) 447-8477

(262) 447-8477



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